
Monday, January 21, 2013

SRC: Homemade Vegetable Dip

It's time for another Secret Recipe Club post!!  Yea!  This month I was assigned Debbi Does Dinner Healthy & Low Calorie.  What a great site to be assigned right after the holidays!  Debbi's mission is to make healthy, low calorie meals without sacrificing taste, and she does it well!  I had alot of fun browsing through her site, and I'll definitely be back to try more of her recipes.  Thanks Debbi for all your inspiration!

So, where did I land?  The Home made vegetable dip.  I am so glad I chose this one.  We love to snack on raw vegetables, but my kids especially like something to dip it in.  I typically buy a yogurt based ranch dressing, it's an all natural sort of brand, and we love it.  Who doesn't love ranch?  But, this is real veggie dip, with all the flavors of one bought, but made at home.  It was easy peasy to make, and uses staple ingredients.  Total winner.

1 6oz plain yogurt
1/3 cup light sour cream
1/3 cup light mayo
1 tsp onion powder
1 1/2 tsp dried dill weed
2 tsp Lawry's seasoned salt

Whisk it all together, and wa-lah!  I told you it was easy, or as my kids say... easy peasy lemon squeezy.  I bet this would be good with a squeeze of lemon, hmm.  Chill it for about an hour before serving to let all the flavors blend.

Don't you just want to munch on some fresh veggies right now?  :-)  Happy crunching.


  1. I am a huge fan of dill. Paired with low-fat ingredients? I am all about this. Great choice for this Post-Holiday SRC!

  2. Yes I totally DO want to munch on fresh veggies right now, dipped in that dip! Total dip lover here, I'm saving this to enrich the lives of my veggies. :)

    1. I agree, it makes them much more exciting to eat. ;-)

  3. Delicious! This looks like a great way to get myself to eat more vegetables :)

  4. Yum! This would be a perfect addition to the upcoming Super Bowl spread. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Ahhhhhhhhhh I would have no self control around this!

    1. No control over veggies? not bad, I have no self control over chocolate! Haha.

  6. I'm a dip, I mean I love dips. Somehow vegetables dipped make vegetables more fun to eat! Your little crock for the dip is adorable!

    1. :-) I agree! The crock is from a local store, I've been trying to collect the set. So far I only have that and coffee cups.

  7. What a simple and tasty dip. Perfect for the superbowl parties. Glad to be part of SRC with you!

  8. That looks great! That will be perfect to balance out all the fattening junk we'll eat at our Superbowl party.

  9. I love how we both did dips for our SRC pick! At least you went the healthy route and served yours with veggies - I opted for tortilla chips! So much for New Year's resolutions, right?!

    1. LOL Jamie. I don't think you need to worry about eating (or lack of)! That's why I work out, so I can eat whatever. haha!! I think your dip was way more healthy than mine, thus the veggies. :-)

  10. Looks yummy & I like that its simple & healthy. I am going to pin & try this recipe. Drop by sometime @ & link up on my Inspiration Spotlight with your recipes, crafts.... Have a nice weekend!

  11. I'd love to dive into some of those veggies and dip right about now! Looks so yummy!

  12. I'd love to dive into some of those veggies and dip right about now! Looks so yummy!
    Renee - Kudos Kitchen

  13. I LOVE dips! this one looks amazing. I don't think I've ever met a dip I didn't like...sadly for my waistline! xoxox

  14. Hmm, good job! This is really something!
