
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A-Z Challenge

She Sparkles Scripture Memory Challenge 2012

Hi Friends!
I usually blog about food, the physical kind, but today, I want to talk about Spiritual food.  The Living Word of God.  If you know me at all, you know that I'm very passionate about food in general.  What a gift.  The bible says "man cannot live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matt. 4:4).   How true that is!  Just like food nourishes us, refreshes us and delights our senses, so does The Bible.  It says "Taste and See that the LORD is good". (Psalm 34:7-9) .

I'm participating in the A-Z scripture memory challenge that my friend Cindy is doing over at She Sparkles.  If you want or need some inspiration in your life, check out her blog on a regular basis.  I just love her blog and all it offers.  I hope you'll join me in the challenge.  It's not too late, we're only on letter B!  Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.  Acts 16:31.

This week Cindy is giving away 10 Starbucks gift cards!!  Have I mentioned how much I like coffee too?  Especially Starbucks!  Just click the link below and you can get started!  I hope you'll join me on this journey.  The spiritual 'food', is the best food we can get.  It nourishes, refreshes, and tastes better than any other food out there!

Blessings my friend!!

She Sparkles Scripture Memory Challenge 2012

P.S.  I hope you'll leave me a comment and let me know if you are joining in.  :-)


  1. I am doing this also! I've got it tacked up around where the family can see it daily. (although, I must admit, I still need to write the "B" verse)
    Also got a pack of the A-Z versapack from verseability. Check out Cimdy's blog, at She Sparkles, she has more about it there.

    1. Glad to hear you are doing it too! We are on the same page... I got my verse packs as well. :D Maybe we can 'test' each other.. haha! We've got B on the bathroom mirror, and I'm going to do it on a picture frame as well on the kitchen counter.

  2. Hi Chellie! This is so cool! I just started a quest to read the whole bible front to back during this year and it is so fulfilling. It is opening my eyes up to so many new verses, stories and interpretations. I will check out this A to Z too to see if I can incorporate it into my daily readings. This post made my heart soar and I am so glad you posted about this. I love knowing my fellow bloggers are also fellow Christians. Have a beautiful weekend!
