
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Give Away!!!

Hi friends!  This week, I am giving away my custom-created calendar.  Have you got your 2012 calendar yet?  Or would you like this one??  It has a recipe for each month.

To enter this giveaway, all you need to do is add a comment in the comment section of this blog of your favorite Christmas tradition.  Extra entries for:

  • becoming a follower
  • subscribing to email updates
  • posting about this giveaway on your blog
  • posting on fb about this giveaway
  • tweet about this post
Contest starts today, December 20 and ends Friday December 23 at 6pm.  Good Luck!!


  1. My favorite holiday tradition? There are so many it's hard to pick just one. I just asked my youngest child and he said finding the pickle ornament on the Christmas tree when we go to grandma and grandpas. You never know what they'll remember!!

  2. Ours would be our advent/count down calendars. We have several.

  3. Fun giveaway! I love this idea, very cool! My favorite holiday tradition would be baking baking and baking lots of treats! And then I love watching everyone eat them all gone!

  4. From Cindy--My favorite tradition is our family Pajama Ride! After the fullness of Christmas season, I treasure this alone time with my husband and kiddos. We laugh, sing, ooh and aah at the lights, and create warm memories together. I love it! :)

    Also, I shared on fb, follow you, signed up for emails. Gotta get back to my "script writing" - but want you to know I'm serious about trying to win :)

  5. My favorite Holiday tradition is watching LOVE Actually with my husband.

  6. Just became a "follower". Your blog is AWESOME! :)

  7. EPPPEEEE!! I missed it girlfriend...:(

    Thats ok I can just come look at yours...:D
