
Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm still here!

Hello Friends! 
I feel like quite a terrible blogger these days.  I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, I haven't stopped cooking, but I have stopped posting due to lack of time!  There's just so much to do and so little time.  I know you can relate!  So, If anyone is still checking in... thank you!!  It brings me much joy to know that anyone would stop and read my stuff.  And I'm so sorry I haven't put anything new up lately.  I can promise it'll pick up again, I really do enjoy sharing recipes and posting pictures.  I get to practice in the kitchen and behind the lens... 2 favorite places.  I hope to post more often once I get thru may.  But I will do my best. 
For  today, I'll refer you over to Noble Pig.  Right now in the oven are the "Rootbeer Shortribs".  They smell incredible!!  Last week I made her "Roasted Grape and Rosemary Foccacia Bread"  It was delicious... who would think to roast grapes?  I brought it to a party last weekend as well and people liked it. 

Or check out some of the other links listed over to the side.
Enjoy your day!!

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