
Monday, November 2, 2009

Magnificent Monday

The title of today's blog is a phrase one of my friend's uses alot.  Honestly, I'm trying to find some Magnificance today.  I haven't posted in what feels like forever.  I've got sick kids, and I got it too!  My son has had a fever since last Tuesday.  He has a dr.'s appt. today.  Also, it's his birthday, my precious firstborn is 5 today.  He was sick on his birthday last year too.  So sad!!  I'm praying he will be fully recovered for his first 'friend' birthday party on friday.  Please pray with me, we could really use those prayers. 
I asked my son what he wanted for his birthday dinner.  He replied, "eggplant parmesean".  What 5 year old likes eggplant?!  Mine does, and I couldn't be prouder.  He always has been my good eater.  He will try everything and usually likes it.  I will definitely post this recipe, it is delicious.  Even grown ups that I know who don't care for eggplant like it.  I hope to get it posted by the end of the week.  I'll also be posting another birthday cake.  The theme... bugs!  Thanks for checking in, and sorry there hasn't been much to read lately.  I will hopefully be back soon and good as new.  The Lord is faithful!!

1 comment:

  1. I will join you in prayer! Don't feel bad about not posting, we are grateful to see/hear what you are up to when you can (but no pressure!).
    I'll also pray next week your Monday will be MAGNIFICENT!! :) Love you friend!! :)
